Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Lego Display

Hello everyone,

If you have a little boy (or girl) that is mad about lego, then you will understand how much they can accumulate.

My eldest boy (Age 8) is actually pretty good - now - (after a few vacuuming mishaps!) at keeping his lego off the floor. He keeps his very precious Ninjago dragons etc all made up on top of his drawers and the other unmade pieces are all on a big table (with a raised edge) in his bedroom.

A couple of weekends ago I was looking at the table and wondered how on earth he could find a particular piece when there was just so much of it. I have attempted to get him organised in the past, eg containers for colours, but it just didn't seem to work.

He also has a number of characters from the various mini figure series so I decided I just had to do something about them.

I had a frame at home which had a big crack in the glass - I threw out the glass and decided to use this to display at least some of his lego figures.

I painted the back board black - it did take several coats until I was happy with it.

Each item from the mini figure series comes with it's own stand - a piece of black lego with four bumps (sorry - I don't know the technical term). I decided to use these and just glued them onto the back board of the frame.

I used "Quick Grip" glue. A glue I use for some of my miniatures, it works a treat. Two weeks later, they are all still intact so they should stay that way.

Once the glue is dry, the lego figures can then be pushed onto the piece of lego stuck to the board.

If you are going to do this, remember to keep the rows a good distance apart so the child can still pull the mini figure off the display so they can play with it.

Reuben keeps his favourite characters on this board (not all are from the mini series), I think it looks great hanging up in his room.

You could probably do this with any type of lego piece, but I think the stands that come with the mini series are ideal.

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